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Hotel Castel Vecchio
Where we are


Viale Pio XI, 23
00073 Castel Gandolfo (Rome) - Italy

Phone: (+39) 06 9360308
Whatsapp: (+39) 379 2114479
Fax: (+39) 06 9360579
Email: info@hotelcastelvecchio.com
P.i.v.a 13357721003


Hotel Castel Vecchio is located in Viale Pio XI, 23 in Castel Gandolfo, an exclusive location surrounded by nature just a few kilometers from Rome.


By car:
From Fiumicino Airport : 30 Km, follow indications for G.R.A. ( Grande raccordo Anulare – it´s a ring road that goes around ROME )direction Naples – reach and turn out at exit N°. 23 Appia Nuova – Ciampino and continue towards Albano for about 6 Km, turn left at the junction for Castel Gandolfo and follow for the Historical Centre.

From Rome:
Take the Via Appia Nuova direction G.R.A., continue on the Via Appia Nuova for about 20 Km passing Ciampino and following the direction for Albano, turn left once reached the junction for Castel Gandolfo and continue for the Historical Centre.

By train:
from Termini Station ( centrl station ) there is a train every hour for Castel Gandolfo, the heading-line is Rome – Albano Laziale www.trenitalia.com ( contact the Hotel for a pick-up from Castel Gandolfo Station to the Hotel).

41.741332, 12.654762

Places of Interest and Distances

450 meters Pontifical Palace and Pontifical Gardens
1 Km Lake of Castel Gandolfo, ideal destination for water sports, nature trails, trekking and boat trips
1.5 Km Monumental circuit of Albano, cradle of the Roman civilization, Antichi Cisternoni, Amphitheater of the Emperor Septimius Severus, Tomb of the Horatii and Curiazi
3 km Golf Country Club Castel Gandolfo
8 km Golf Club Fioranello 
4 Km Ariccia with Palazzo Chigi and the typical "fraschette"
4 Km from Rocca di Papa, famous for its position
6 Km Genzano and from the Lake of Nemi - Museum of the Roman ships of Caligula
7 Km Grottaferrata - Greek Byzantine Abbey of San Nilo
8 Km Frascati - Tuscolane Villas - Princely Houses and 17th century parks
11 Km Lanuvio - Archaeological Museum and site of Giunone Sospita
12 Km Velletri - Civic Museum to discover the ancient Volsci people
40 km Secche di Tor Paterno (Ostia Lido) for lovers of diving
40 Km Ostia Antica and its incredible excavations